"If I can lift you up when you're down, I would have done a very good job! Thank you for dropping by."

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Comfort zones

If wishes could come true on the sheer strength of wishing, I would never have a reason to leave the four walls I call home.  If that comes to pass, everything that matters to me and that gives me life's joys will be within my reach.

But just like everyone else, I have to leave the comforts of home to make a living.  Getting up at the crack of dawn five days a week and venturing out in all kinds of weather conditions to perform work that brings in the income.  It is not an easy routine especially on mornings when body parts aren't cooperating.  But despite the inconvenience of sometimes feeling sleep-deprived, I am fortunate to be a member of the working population during these economically tough times.  Thank You, Jesus!

Until the day comes when I can retire in my corner of the world, I make sure that I have access to what makes for joyful living... an indoor garden that keeps the air I breathe clean... works of art on my walls and floor... a huge map of the world to remind me of exotic places to visit someday... interesting books to read when I finally find the time to pick the authors' brains.

I wish that everyone would make their personal environment the center of their universe.  The sacred space they would hate to leave in the morning and excitedly anticipate returning to in the evening.  It should contain all that they care about and everything that makes them happy.  If this is everyone's daily goal, the universe will abound with that positive energy of joyful citizens nesting in places dearest to their hearts.  Think about it!

My favorite time of the work week is when I leave my workplace to make the trip home.  After my bus drops me off and I cross the street to walk the block home, I smile when I see the shingled roof of my house.  Just the sight of it brings joy to my heart!  Home at last.

My BFF Josie has every reason to love coming home from work.  She has beloved family members (even pet dogs) to share her after-work life with.  Single people have it tougher and many procrastinate on coming home to deafeningly quiet surroundings.  This is the reason that shopping malls and eating places, even watering holes, come alive after 5:00.  But this is also why instances of DUI arrests have become a common occurrence every after dark of the work week.  People can't help themselves from having a drink or two, then getting in their cars and driving.  Maybe alcohol is their way of dealing with their work stresses or personal pain.  Unfortunately, a countless many end up spending jail time instead of getting home safe and sleeping in their own beds.

If everyone would get in the habit of appreciating their personal space... totally loving what they have... seeking thrills miles from it might not be necessary.  Imagine a world where every house on this planet is inspiring joy and contentment in the hearts of its residents... dawn... day time... after dark.  Wouldn't that be the kind of universe we would like to live in?  

photo credit:  dragoart.com