"If I can lift you up when you're down, I would have done a very good job! Thank you for dropping by."

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Ode to the mighty timber

Besides the unwanted, unsolicited mail, many interesting stuff find their way into my mailbox.  One arrived recently from a home improvement company trying to woo people's business. 

The card had a heartwarming hand-written note:

I hope I can share with you a bit of cheer... Since happiness is a choice, let's choose to be happy!

Gratitude and love are two sides of the same coin.  When we are feeling grateful we are feeling the same emotion as love. When we feel our worst and things don't seem to be playing out as we had hoped, we can change our focus onto the many things we have to be grateful for.  This exercise results in happiness and isn't that what we all want anyway?  Enjoy the journey and even in the roughest times, we can learn, grow and choose happiness.

Know that you have people who care about you and appreciate you, starting with me!  We are at your service 24/7, 365 days a year.  Our positive, service orientation and our unique way of doing business ensure you that you will get our best performance with our "100% satisfaction or you don't pay guarantee."

Besides the personal touch, the inside of the card shared a poem by Douglas Malloch:
I love... LOVE it when service companies get up close and personal.  It makes me feel that they are not just out to get my money, but are in business to share the blessings of the Universe.  Thank you!