"If I can lift you up when you're down, I would have done a very good job! Thank you for dropping by."

Saturday, August 13, 2011

A little girl and her orangutan buddy

From my Gold Coast connection, I received this charming story about a little girl and an orangutan with whom she bonded in childhood.  As these pictures will attest, both remain the best of buddies.  Absolutely adorable!  These pictures make me wish that I too had an orangutan playmate growing up!
Thanks, Ken!

Little Girl is Still Best Buds With an Orang-utan
July 13th, 2010
Back in January we posted about this baby Orang-utan who had taken a liking to a little girl.
Well half a year later and the two of them have grown a bit, but are still the best of friends.

The happiest people are not those who have the best of everything but those who make the best of everything!