"If I can lift you up when you're down, I would have done a very good job! Thank you for dropping by."

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Take 2: Gung-ho about feng shui

When people find out that I practice feng shui, their natural reaction is to pick my brain on what can bring them good luck.  For people who have a fascination for this amazing concept, please note my golden rules on this subject: 

          (1)  Believe with all your heart;

          (2)  Have a good heart.

As far as I am concerned, without these two requisites, placing the feng shui symbols in your sacred space will not work to your advantage.

Below is a piece I wrote on feng shui more than a year ago.  I hope it provides some tips on how to improve living spaces and how to attract better energy from the Universe.

(originally published December 12, 2010)