"If I can lift you up when you're down, I would have done a very good job! Thank you for dropping by."

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Painful goodbyes

A while back, my bus mate Bonnie shared the sad news of her friend's unexpected passing.  The man worked with her in the same office and days before his death, they had an awful war of words.  Fortunately, before his cardiac arrest, Bonnie picked up the telephone to say "I'm sorry," and both of them had the chance to express their  "I love you's."

Bonnie found out about the sad news when she arrived at work to see everyone in tears.  My immediate reaction after Bonnie shared the news was:  "Aren't you glad you called him?  If not, you'll be very devastated that you didn't make up before he died!"

This brings to mind the importance of not drastically upsetting the applecart or picking a fight with someone in our life.  There is no telling when it might be that person's final day on earth... someone we know, someone who was dear and near until an ugly spat broke us apart. 

Imperfect as humans are, we can try our best to not upset the people in our lives.  Physical pain can be cured with time, but hurtful words that cause emotional damage can take a long time to heal.  Some people never recover from that kind of trauma!  Emotional pain can have permanent or long-lasting effect as it has the ability to tear the soul.  If we make it a habit to not write or speak when we feel extremely upset, we just might avoid being the cause of someone's heartache.  Let us never forget that life is too short to spend moments breaking someone's heart. 

Below is a thought I expressed last year about human mortality.  When we least expect it is when we just might lose someone.  For as long as we breathe, let us strive to be nice to one another!