"If I can lift you up when you're down, I would have done a very good job! Thank you for dropping by."

Friday, October 14, 2011

A powerful quick prayer

The following prayer was received from JRC, a former high school classmate, with an urgent instruction to pass it on.  Unfortunately, it sat in my electronic mailbox since July.  That's probably why I got laid off from my seven-year old job last August!  Better late than never, I'm sharing it now...


“God, our Father, walk through my house and take away all my worries and illnesses and please watch over and heal my family in Jesus name, Amen.”

This prayer is so powerful.  Pass this to 12 people including me.  A blessing is coming to you in the form of a new job, a house, marriage, finances, or maybe an answer to something (a prayer, a request) that you have been waiting for.  Do not break or ask questions.  Does God come first in your life?  If so, stop what you are doing and send it to 12 people now.  Watch what He does!