"If I can lift you up when you're down, I would have done a very good job! Thank you for dropping by."

Monday, January 2, 2012

Back in the saddle

October was a time when I truly felt God's blessings.  It was when I received tangible confirmation that the Good Lord looks out for me.

If you’ve been following my blogs, you know that last September I lost my seven-year old full-time employment due to corporate downsizing.  It was a job I really loved and provided a good reason to wake up pumped up and raring to go each workday morning.  Because I was months from turning 60, the layoff brought fears of permanent unemployment.  More and more folks are losing their jobs these days and competition in the job market got tougher.

Well, to my good fortune, I happened to work with a guy whose wife is the division president of a growing national organization.  On my final day in the office last August, he sat me down and told me about his spouse’s company.  The gesture was totally unexpected because although I had the opportunity to work with him for the last couple of years, I wasn’t really close enough to deserve a recommendation.  I couldn't help but believe that he had recognized the hard work and quality performance I contributed to the company I was leaving.

Well, long story short, through this man’s kindness, I got my foot in the door, so to speak.  I had sent applications to different companies which resulted in one telephone interview and three e-mailed rejections.  I wasn’t kidding myself… the saying “it’s not what you know, but WHO you know” is what can actually translate into a job gain these days.  One can submit online applications many times over, but there is no assurance that resumes are being reviewed.  Chances are, they are simply landing in a black hole in cyberspace.  For instance, in 2002 when I first got laid off, I sent 355 applications and did 16 face-to-face interviews.  The 16th meeting finally ended my long, frustrating job search.  

Last year I interviewed on Monday in the last week of September.  My first impression as I walked into the reception area was feeling like I had “come home.”  The receptionist was all smiles and joyful and the energy of the place was young and upbeat.  The staff looked happy!  Right away, the company had me at hello.

The team that the candidate hired would be working with... the Regional Manager and two administrative folks... sat in the interview room.  They all wanted to make sure that I could work my way through an Excel spreadsheet.  At the back of my mind, I was screaming, "My personal life operates on Excel spreadsheets!", but I kept my mouth shut.   

With my almost four decade of corporate experience, I didn't feel the need to sell myself.  I spoke from my core and if that wasn't good enough, I didn't know what else would convince them that I was a perfect match for the position.  There was a lot of laughing during the time I spent with the folks and it was the most fun job interview I ever had.  I couldn’t help but feel that if I didn’t get the job, I would be extremely disappointed.

When I left the place, there was no assurance that I would get hired for the position.  Two hours later, my telephone was ringing as I walked in the door.  It was the Regional Manager calling with a job offer!

No doubt about it, Jesus once again showed me that He is a Good and Caring God and wants only what’s right for me.  Instead of keeping me unemployed for some time like the two miserable years following a previous layoff, this time He just gave me a one month vacation.  The time off from the workplace allowed me to get rid of my layoff-related heartache and move on to my next home-away-from home.

The first week in October was a very good time in my life not only because I started a new exciting full-time job, it reinforced my belief that good seeds sowed do reap an amazing harvest.  I have had the lovely support of the people in my life who prayed for my success and well-being for which I am eternally grateful.  But above all, the Lord Almighty Who has the power to control human destiny made certain that I got what I deserved. 

For the past few months I hesitated to write about my new work life because I wanted to wait until I've passed my probation period with flying colors.  Today marks my 91st day with my new awesome employer.  It certainly gives me a lovely reason to celebrate and share the good news.

My New Year looks good and promising.  Thank You, Jesus!