"If I can lift you up when you're down, I would have done a very good job! Thank you for dropping by."

Monday, January 10, 2011

The blah-ness of winter

For days since the New Year, everyone wondered when winter would make a comeback.  The autumn-like temperatures last week inspired T-shirts, shorts and flip-flops to come out of people's closets.  

Then this past Sunday the temperatures suddenly dropped and white flakes came tumbling down.  Not just for an hour… for many hours!  Pretty soon the landscape became a vision of white and automobiles parked outside garages got buried and sat begging for the ice scrape chore.

It would have been lovely if this kind of dumping happened at Christmastime.  When it happens on Monday eve, it’s never a good thing.  That means that the first work day of the week drive will be long and slow, even treacherous, and public transit schedules will be messed up.

Heavy snow, when it comes on a late Sunday never fails to dampen the weekend spirit.  Normally, people would be doing their favorite things, enjoying their favorite outdoor activities.  Because it was cold and dreary outside, I'm sure that many preferred to cuddle up for warmth and watch a movie or catch a show on TV.

We’ve been praying for this kind of snowstorm in my neck of the woods.  The moisture would be really great for the thirsty-looking environment.   I’m sure that the mountain resort operators are ecstatic now as heavy snow augurs positive for their skiing industry.

This kind of weather makes shoveling business folks smile from ear to ear because it means work for their people and money coming in.  So I guess there is more to the blah-ness of winter than meets the eye.  If it means good business for some industries, it will be great for the economy.  Hallelujah!

From the TV news, it's apparent that the early work commute has been a picture of roadway disaster.  The freeways still need heavy-duty scraping.  Car crashes everywhere.  This usually happens on gloomy snow days.  Motorists get into treacherous snowy patches or block ice and there's no stopping the inevitable.  When the temperatures outside are in the single digits, I'd rather stay home and be safe and warm.  So I called the office and declared it my personal snow day!
Enough of the bad news.  Pretty soon, it will be springtime so we might as well enjoy the snow while it lasts.  At the rate it has made an appearance this winter, we really should be thankful that it comes when it does.  Never mind that it comes down with a terrible tantrum.

Thank You, Jesus!