"If I can lift you up when you're down, I would have done a very good job! Thank you for dropping by."

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The blogging of the universe

Recently, I made a conscious effort to check out the blogging situation on the world wide web.  I have to confess that although I’m what you can call a blogger, I never really went out of my way to read anyone’s blog before.  A long time ago, a work associate emailed me a link where I could create a blog for free, but I just never had the time to look into it.  If only I made the effort to check it out, I'll probably be a seasoned blogger by now.

Last month what happened to me was what I call fate waiting to happen.  One day after Thanksgiving, I found myself checking out ads on the Internet, and then finding the Google blogger page.  The next thing I knew I was blogging my life away!  What I find amazingly strange is that unlike any other projects I’ve put my mind into, the blogging activity proved to be enjoyable, effortless and painless.  Hallelujah!

You see, if I may bare my soul now, I’ve always considered published writing as my personal goal to achieve.  My first piece came out when I was only 14.  Since then I’ve published articles, features, poems and short stories.  In the 1980's I even enrolled in a correspondence school so that I could write a children’s book.  For two years I worked part-time as a correspondent for a newspaper, spending my weekends interviewing people.  But the dream of my life is to become a book author, hard-bound, and editions purchased by the masses.  Now that the book reality is still not on my radar screen, I’m doing the next best thing:  blogging away and getting read by an international audience.  My blogs are written from my U.S. home base and are read in 12 countries and six continents!  So may I take this opportunity to thank everyone who has been following my blogs.  I hope that you’ve enjoyed reading them as much as I’ve thoroughly loved sharing my thoughts with the anonymous world.  Even if my topics had inspired you to take a nap, you have my gratitude as well.

Since I took some days off from work last week, I had time to check out the blogs out there.  I was surprised to realize that folks aren’t just writing about their thoughts and opinions, family adventures, circle of friends or the daily journals of their lives.  Bloggers are writing about their dogs and other animals, politics, martial arts, long distance running, meals and recipes, culture, classical and organ music, gardening, photography, poetry, graphic design… and the list goes on.  It got me wondering: 
          Are people needing something to fill the void in their lives? 
          Or do they just need to create something to make idle time productive? 
          Perhaps it's their creative energy needing to be expressed? 
          Or the need to designate a common venue for friends and family to visit? 

Majority of the blogs look professionally done (which puts my page to shame), with lovely pictures and impressive font arrangements.  Some are written in foreign languages.  Whatever the motivation behind the blogs, I’m sure that the outcome has given the authors a sense of personal satisfaction as mine has brought me.  Many might have hopes of publicity at the back of their minds… and some kind of celebrity status in their social circles.  Who doesn't enjoy having bragging rights to being a writer's pal?

I write under the name I’ll use for my book so instant recognition (or personal celebrity, if you will) was never my agenda.  The genuine inspiration for me was, and is, to be able to let off steam and vent my emotions, chant about the great things that go on in the world, praise our Great Creator for all the blessings we’ve been showered with… switch a light bulb in someone's head... even point a finger on what’s going wrong with society.  In the end, I hope that I’ve done my share in propagating the goodness among mankind rather than pulling us further down the drain.  I know that if I were to follow someone’s blog, I’d rather read something of substance that will light up my life and sing a song in my heart.  If you’re one of my faithful readers, you certainly are looking for the same.

From my heart to yours:  Sincere thanks for reading me!