"If I can lift you up when you're down, I would have done a very good job! Thank you for dropping by."

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Budjie's milestone

A year ago today my unplanned, unpremeditated blogging life was born. 

That day was a most precious gift from the Good Lord because never in my wildest fantasies did I dream of publishing a daily journal for the world to read.  Being such a private being, I didn't think that I had the guts to bare my soul to an anonymous audience.

I remember the precise moment when I turned myself into a Google publisher.  It was the Monday after the long Thanksgiving weekend.  People were most likely returning to their home bases from long-distance trips that reunited them with family and friends during the holiday.  I sat in my corporate world feeling sheer gratefulness for just being okay.  For most of my life, good health, wonderful friendships and good fortune in my career life were blessings I enjoyed.  I thought that I must have planted many a good seed to deserve such good fortune.  Thankfulness was overflowing in my heart and I needed to share it with the Universe!

I have to confess that the idea of daily blogging quite intimidated me.  My full-time job demanded much of my workday energy.  Writing could be just as demanding.  However, I figured that writing wasn’t exactly a job.  I had to remind myself that the creative process of writing, like a friendly e-mail, had given me the best joys of my life.  Many times, writing had turned out to be a therapeutic exercise.

Then I panicked…. What in the world could I write about every single day?  An inner voice told me to listen to my heart… trust my instincts... and the ideas would flow.  Looking back now, 365 days later, I can’t help but find myself in a celebratory mood.  I have accomplished my goal of blogging for at least one year… and that alone is an awesome feat worth celebrating.

There had been days when I didn’t think that I could publish the day’s piece.  The reason was either my body wasn't enjoying good health or a brain freeze came over me.  But like a miracle, something wonderful always happened... a light bulb went on in my head... everyday occurrences or an intriguing encounter with humanity brought perspective and inspiration... interesting materials arrived in my cyber mailbox... and before I knew it, Budjie's Thoughts came alive. 

I love what Oprah Winfrey once said:  "If you do work that you love, and work that fulfills you, the rest will come.  And, I truly believe, that the reason I’ve been able to be so financially successful is because my focus has never, ever for one minute been money. Would you do your job and not be paid for it? I would do this job, and take on a second job just to make ends meet if nobody paid me. That’s how you know you are doing the right thing.”  Amazing truth!

I know in my heart that writing is what Jesus wants me to do.  To follow my passion and a joyful heart becomes my priceless reward.  Thank You, Jesus!

Besides Divine intervention, I couldn’t have done it without the support and contribution of some very special people.  They are the long-time and long-distance friends plus family members who fueled my imagination and inspired me to pursue my blogging ambition.  A million thanks to everyone.  You know who you are!

Losing my car in a 2007 accident certainly happened for a reason. For someone who had driven for almost 30 years and depended on driving metal to get to places, it was a shock to the system.  That sad event led me to the public transit world which gave me the inspiration to write about daily life in public, fellow mortals, human behaviors and humanity's negative and positive energies.  I would like to believe that God took away my car so that I could authentically experience the world.  Thank You, Jesus!

Finally, I thank my viewers all over the globe for taking the time to visit my site.  My hope is that in some way I have uplifted your spirit, brought you joy, if not challenged your way of thinking.  More importantly, I hope that you walked away feeling that your time wasn’t wasted after reading my ramblings.

Life is good!  May you find yourself in a happy place.  If you're not there yet, please be patient and eventually you'll find your bliss.

Thank you all… and I wish you great joys in your journey through life!