"If I can lift you up when you're down, I would have done a very good job! Thank you for dropping by."

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Shining beyond the grave

It’s been quite sometime since my BFF (best friend forever) forwarded the story of a deceased 9-year old who had the noble mission to help bring clean water to people in poor nations.  I thought it appropriate to honor this little girl on this special day of All Souls.  A million thanks, Josie!

Her name was Rachel Beckwith who lived in Bellevue, WA outside of Seattle.  Her simple, but very honorable, goal was to raise $300 by her ninth birthday so that the people in poor countries could have clean water.  But before she could accomplish her mission, a tragic13-car collision on Interstate 90 got in the way.  Rachel was critically injured on July 20, 8 days after she turned 9 this year.  At that time she was was able to raise $220, $80 short of her targeted amount.

This remarkable soul demonstrated her giving heart even at the age of 5.  When she found out about Locks of Love, an organization that makes wigs from hair donations to be given to children who lost their hair from cancer and other diseases, she had a haircut so that she could donate her long hair to the worthy cause.  She wanted to help the cancer-stricken kids that she had her hair grow long again so that she could donate again to Locks of Love.

Through charity:water her church began a fundraising project for wells to be built in Africa.  Rachel, then 8 years old, could not believe that children in another country had no clean water.  In lieu of celebrating her 9th birthday with a party, she opted for $9 donations from her friends.  The money was intended for the African charity:water water projects.

One month after the start of summer, the car in which Rachel was riding with her family got hit by a truck.  Her family was left uninjured, but Rachel had to be put on life support.

Rachel’s church members demonstrated their support by donating to her charity:water fundraising project on her charitywater.org/Rachel birthday page.  The money raised, not only from church members but from thousands of people everywhere who read Rachel's story, surpassed her $300 goal, far exceeding the $47,544 amount that a popular teen singer raised for the same cause.  Donations poured in hundreds of thousands until the money collected reached $1,265,894. 

Unfortunately, Rachel never woke up to realize the amazing success she achieved with her clean water fundraising efforts.  On July 23 she was taken off life support when it was made clear to her family that she would never regain consciousness.  The little girl's organs were donated to the other sick children and her hair was given to Locks of Love.

Scott Harrison, the 35-year old charity:water founder, belong to a generation of young people making a difference in our universe.  He commented that “What has been inspiring about Rachel is that she has taught the adults,”  apparently moved by the little girl’s unselfishness.  In the very short time that Rachel lived, she did her part in making our world a better place.

Rachel had written on her birthday page: 

On June 12th 2011, I'm turning 9. I found out that millions of people don't live to see their 5th birthday. And why? Because they didn't have access to clean, safe water so I'm celebrating my birthday like never before. I'm asking from everyone I know to donate to my campaign instead of gifts for my birthday. Every penny of the money raised will go directly to fund freshwater projects in developing nations. Even better, every dollar is "proved" when the projects are complete, and photos and GPS coordinates are posted using Google Earth. My goal is to raise $300 by my birthday, June 12, 2011. Please consider helping me.

Thank you so much!!!

What I find ironic is that while children in other countries are dying from unsafe water, Rachel's life ended from colliding metals.

We can only wish that we would see more Rachel Beckwiths in our lifetime.  Rachel, wherever you are… you ROCK, Girl!

Rachel Beckwith