"If I can lift you up when you're down, I would have done a very good job! Thank you for dropping by."

Friday, November 4, 2011

The kindness virus

It seems that every day the news everywhere have not been palatable.  If I want my spirit dragged down to the ground, all I have to do is listen to the news.  Weather forecasts aren’t only exaggerated, chances are, something sinister has happened, a child is missing, a female jogger is molested on the running trail or there’s always someone being hunted for some devious crime.

If each citizen of the world will only aspire to do one act of kindness daily, our planet will be in a better shape.  Joy will abound and mortals of the universe will be in a perpetual cheerful frame of mind.

If more people will leave their vehicles at home, take public transportation or walk to short distance destinations, we won’t have to worry about lethal gases in our atmosphere.  Every day I see metal rides being occupied by a single passenger (the driver) and I see all the fuel and monies being wasted by such exercise.  It’s likely that the devastation from the global warming destruction won’t happen in our lifetime, but it’s good to do our share… right now… in preventing the damaging consequences.

Like me, you, too, might have encountered smile-less folks in your day-to-day journey through life.  Or people who manage to smile once in a while, but whose smile doesn’t quite make it below their ears.  Those are obviously unhappy people who have had to deal with rough patches in their life.  Smiling for them might be some kind of luxury that has become unaffordable.  If you and I will make it a habit to smile, who knows, we might be uplifting the spirit of a depressed soul! Smiling doesn’t cost us a cent, yet it’s priceless and infectious.  Let’s do it often!

Where I live, hit-and-run incidents have become staple of the local news.  Motorists hitting pedestrians then driving off like nothing happened have become a very sad reality.  Are people just too busy to bother to stop and care anymore?

I can think of really simple ways to make a difference in our daily interaction with humanity:

* Throwing trash in the dumpster, not leaving them littered on the street.

* Wiping the public restroom faucet counter dry if we made a damp mess. 

* Falling in line, not jumping it, when other people have waited before us.

* If we're standing in front of a USPS mailbox to deposit our mail and a vehicle stops, offering to take the driver's or passenger's mail to drop in the mailbox will certainly be appreciated.  

* Leaving our eatery table neat and tidy when we leave.  More important, not forgetting to leave a tip.  Our waiter will love us for it!

* Keeping our cell phone conversations at a minimum, and talking softly when we’re on a call, in public places (specially in public transportation where passengers are in-your-face proximity).  Not everyone likes to hear our personal business.   

* “Please” and “thank you” are still the kindest expressions that come out of someone’s mouth.  Let’s never forget to say them specially to bus drivers and people who assist us in any way.

* Holding the door for the person behind us, especially if it’s a heavy one.  The simple act of opening a door for someone is a very nice thing to do.

* If someone falls in front of us on the street, let’s extend a hand to help them get up. If they drop something, let's take the time to let them know.

* In public transportations, passengers are often distracted and leave packages behind on their seat.  If we catch it, let's make an effort to tell them so.  If it's too late to do anything, take the package to the driver who will turn it over to Lost & Found. 

* At the supermarket checkout, chit-chat with the sales clerk.  That will let them know how their service is appreciated.  If they’re wearing a name badge, let’s mention their name as we thank them for their assistance.  They’ll love us for our kindness.

* Leaving any public place we visit in the same order that we found it.

There are many more cost-free acts of kindness that we can do every day of our life.  Little gestures of courtesy, thoughtfulness and kindness can make a difference!  If we commit to doing at least one selfless act daily, the routine will become second nature.  Think of how such positive behavior can do wonders for the Universe!  Ours will be a kinder and joyful world, a much better place to navigate.