"If I can lift you up when you're down, I would have done a very good job! Thank you for dropping by."

Friday, November 18, 2011

What gives you hope?

These are faith-testing times.  No doubt about it.  Every day that we venture out of our comfort zones, opportunities abound that question, not only our faith, but our belief in humankind.

When God doesn’t seem to be smiling anymore, we tend to get scared of the consequences.  Is the world coming to an end?  Will there still be a tomorrow to look forward to?

I’ve heard folks say “The world is coming to an end!” like it were a cliché.

In my part of the world, just like clockwork dawn comes after , the sun still rises, and at the end of the day, sunset glows in the horizon.  This fact alone continues to instill hope in my heart.

I wake up each day wondering what the next 24 hours would bring.  In the same breath, I know that in His loving way, the Good Lord will shower the blessings we deserve.  Some places may enjoy greater abundance and others may be wanting in more.  Nevertheless, our Almighty Someone will hand out what He deems appropriate for the world.

Perhaps it’s the terrible economic climate that has been responsible for the fading of optimism among mankind.  Financial worries have a way of diminishing hopeful insights.  However, our financial decline, depressingly terrible as it is, has been the making of human greed and we are now simply paying for the terrible consequences.  

There is a saying, “Break it, fix it.”  It sounds almost impossible that we could all collectively solve the world’s problems.  But I suspect that if all raise positive thoughts to the Universe, nothing is undoable. The world is in a downward spiral because so much negativism inhabits our midst.  Violence has become the norm in day-to-day events.  It is a sign of a God missing from many people’s lives.  Destruction is certainly not what the Good Lord would wish for our planet.

Wherever we are in our lives and the globe, let’s maintain a hopeful stance that order will be established so that peace will reign in our environment.  It’s a simple act to think bright thoughts and good wishes, but if done religiously, I believe that we will make a difference.

Let's all do our part in the planet we inhabit.  Always think bright!

photo credit:  Dennis Chunga