"If I can lift you up when you're down, I would have done a very good job! Thank you for dropping by."

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Flying Un-Super Girl

In the course of my surfing the Internet a couple of weeks ago, I stumbled upon some interesting “levitated” self-taken snapshots of a photographer in Tokyo, Japan.  Her name is Natsumi Hayashi and a picture-of-the-day is found on her website www.yowayowacamera.com.  In all the photos, she seems to defy gravity by floating on air. 

This photographer makes use of backlight instead of direct light and collaborates with the human subjects if she’s doing a crowd shot.  Although the levitations look effortlessly easy, according to Hayashi, “Sometimes I need to jump more than 300 times to get the perfect shot.”  Talk of devotion to perfection!

Below are samples of her "flying episodes."  For more interesting photos, please visit her blog site www.yowayowacamera.comEnjoy the view…

photo credits: Natsumi Hayashi/ yowayowacamera.com