"If I can lift you up when you're down, I would have done a very good job! Thank you for dropping by."

Friday, July 1, 2011

Hot and bothered

It is electric fan season in my house.

It would be awesome to have airconditioning relieve my body of Mother Nature’s heat, but when I ponder on the power consumption savings, the sheer thought cools me down.

Every year at this time my neighbors’ airconditioning units are humming with the birds.  Not this year, I’m afraid.  My neigbors aren’t just scrimping on the power usage, but perhaps being considerate of the global warming effects in our world.  Just thinking of the recent catastrophes in some places make me thankful that my home didn’t come with central airconditioning.  Not only have I saved on energy bills, but I feel proud that in my own little way, I am doing what I can for the Global Warming Guru’s (Al Gore’s) cause.

Come to think of it, fresh air is better than the cool breeze that comes out of a metal box.  The refreshing air from Mother Nature doesn’t come with chemical fluids that aren’t good for the human body.

Sure, the summer heat could cramp one’s style, but sweat coming out of the pores of the skin can be cleansing.  I don’t mind fanning myself when I feel the heat.  In fact, the act of fanning can be refreshing… both physically and mentally.  Not only is the hot and bothered body being relieved, the mental clutter in our head gets dissipated.  In Asian countries, women spend money on exotic-designed wooden fans as though they were a fashion accessory.  Then learning to open the fan with grace is in itself an art.  

However we prefer to spend handling the heat is anyone’s game.  Go around half-naked if you wish… spritz water on your face… carry a portable electric fan to cool your body… carry around pints of water to quench your thirst…stand a la Marilyn Monroe over a sprinkler… lay spread-eagled on the lawn.  It doesn’t matter.  Pretty soon the cold weather will be here and summer days will become a faint and distant memory.

For now, enjoy the summer.  Go outdoors and commune with Mother Nature.  Walk as though you're noticing the view for the first time.  Pause to smell a rose.  Try to find a butterfly.  Give a tree a hug.  Chirp with the birds.  Look up and say “Thank You” to the skies.  Chase a squirrel.  Outrun your dog.  Jog around the block and show off your spandex.  Bike some miles and be grateful for strong legs.

Chances are, the coming low temperatures will make you wish that the sunny sun came to stay.