"If I can lift you up when you're down, I would have done a very good job! Thank you for dropping by."

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Invaluable Water

Imagine getting excited to start your weekend after work on Friday.  You reach home and find your water tap as dry as summer's drought.  You turn on all the faucets in your house, and NO WATER!  Do you panic?  Have a cardiac arrest?  Wonder if you paid your water bill?

Well, this scenario actually happened to me on Saturday eve, just when I was looking forward to a nice, relaxing weekend after experiencing an uncomfortable polar bear existence the past few days.  Due to the recent subzero temperatures, water pipes froze and caused expensive water damages to many homes.  Thankfully, my home didn't have the same problem.  However, as I learned from my property management company, the water service had to be interrupted on Friday as the crew from the water company needed to work on the pipes.  The arctic temperatures have been the culprit and the water cut-off service was an inconvenience that the residents in my area had to put up with.  Everyone better get used to it because we live in a place where the weather likes to surprise.

Like everyone else, I’ve always enjoyed the convenience of running water in my home.  Perhaps this blessing has been taken for granted because it has been there for the taking.  When it stopped flowing, that’s when I desperately missed it.  Thank goodness. I didn’t have water for only about three hours.  Water was flowing when I left home that morning, if not, I would have had to skip the trip to the office. 

It could have been agitating if my mindset was that I might be waterless all weekend.  But looking at the glass half-full, not half-empty, has been a saving grace.  Like I usually do, I surrendered the matter to God.  I told Him, if I won’t have water for two days, fine, just please don’t let me run out of drinking water.  Fortunately, I fell into the habit of stocking water in plastic jugs after the Katrina crisis and every other devastating calamity in the country.  My water stock never go to waste because it is used to water the house plants.  I figured that in the event water doesn’t come out of my faucet, at least I have contingency water to fall back on.  Well, my proactive thinking came to my rescue!  I had enough supply to flush down the toilet, and wash my body for one night.  If water service didn’t come back after that evening, I would have relocated myself to some strange hotel where I might have spent a sleepless night!  Therefore, the sound of water gurgling in my toilet tank was music to my ears!  That meant that my water service came back on.

As usual, I was most grateful for God’s protection.  He looked out for me as has been His custom. He made sure that my refrigerator is filled with bottled water that will keep me alive for a week.  Luckily, I have frozen dinners in my freezer and if the waterless situation continued, I could eat and never have to wash a plate.  God is Good all the time!

Water is precious. Because of what I just went through, I can relate to people in parts of the world where water is a rare commodity.  Those people carry buckets to get their water supply from a common well.  Quite frankly, I can never envision the hardship that comes with such a lifestyle.  That’s why I’m greatly appreciative of what I have.  Flowing water in my home, not only to clean and nourish the body, but to water my plants and wash everything in my life that keeps me alive.  What can I say, I’m among the world's lucky ones!  Thank You, Jesus!    

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