"If I can lift you up when you're down, I would have done a very good job! Thank you for dropping by."

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Wishing upon a February moon and star

Coming home the other evening as I approached my front steps, a beautiful perfect moon caught my eye. Seldom do I see a full moon and that was an occasion to make a wish.  Before I made it inside my house, I backed out to give the moon a second wishful glance.

Then yesterday as I left my house, I saw a single star in the morning dawn. Again, I immediately made the same wish.  The sole star in my universe made me perfectly thrilled that it was there as I walked to my bus stop.

A full moon the night before… and a solo star the morning after?

Maybe it’s the constant child in me, but, in my mind that back-to-back moonlit and starlit appearance was auspicious.   Hopefully, what I wished for would soon come true!

No matter how old we are, it’s important to keep alive the child in our hearts.  That joyful spirit will keep us forever young. There are people who are serious about everything, and having a sense of humor seems to be a farfetched occurrence in their lives.

Children love laughter and so must the folks in the winter of their lives.  Laughter has been referred to as the best medicine.  I have to agree.  Laughing has taken my mind off really depressing happenings in my immediate world.  If God didn’t give me a healthy sense of humor, I might not have made it this far.  I am specially thankful to all the people in my life who keep sending me all those funny e-mails that always bring a smile even in my dark days.  In this sometimes bitter and cold universe we live in, every little bit helps!

Anyway, back to the full moon and single star…  If one of these days you chance upon either of these, MAKE A WISH.  Silently say the one (or two) life-changing good fortune that will send you to the moon and dance with the stars.  If you believe with all your heart that the moon and the star are paying attention, cross your fingers, your wish might be granted.

According to YahooThe full moon is said to bring about the fulfillment of desires. In modern pagan lore, spells done on a full moon have more power behind them and are more likely to be successful. A full harvest moon was considered lucky because it gave enough light for the harvest to continue even at night.

A shooting star also brings luck if you immediately make a wish when you see it.  A shooting star is not an unusual occurrence so it would be wise to have a wish handy.  It’s believed that if you’re sick, you’ll get well.  If something is lost, you’ll find it.  If you’ve been experiencing a streak of bad luck, your life will take a turn for the better.  If you had a falling out with someone, you’ll be friends again.  If you and your significant other broke up, you’ll kiss and make up, or you’ll find another love.

There’s nothing wrong in believing in good luck charms and omens.  Remember, what we feed our minds can bring good or bad consequences.  Our thoughts do become our destiny.   I don’t know about you, but I sure could use a lot of good luck right now!