"If I can lift you up when you're down, I would have done a very good job! Thank you for dropping by."

Monday, February 7, 2011

The seventh sense

Like me, everyone else at some time or another has encountered smile-less faces in the crowd.  Apparently, while many lucky people have the gift of smiling and flaunt it, others have a hard time displaying happiness even for a fleeting second.  It doesn’t take much effort to smile, does it?  I recall incidents when people have noticed me smiling when I wasn’t even aware of it! 

I’ve interacted with people who have serious demeanors, but who manage to smile once in a while.  I’ve noticed though that their smile doesn’t come through as authentic, as though it doesn't come from the heart.  Is it possible that they might be struggling to show a happy face because deep down, they’re genuinely uncomfortable with feeling joy even for a moment?

Uncomfortable with feeling joy?

Somehow I can’t relate to such people because feeling joy has always been a part of my well-being.  It's almost like a seventh sense.  I might have had to deal with rough patches in the past, but those episodes didn’t keep me from smiling.  In fact, during the times when I suffered the worst emotional pain, I tried my best to present a cheerful face.  If smiling is considered an art, there are many people blessed by God with that talent.  Thank You, Lord!

I always encounter individuals in their teens who seem to carry a heavy load on their shoulders.  Not only do their faces look older because of such pressure, their conversations are tainted with the world’s misery.  Sometimes I wonder if they might have had a difficult childhood or had to grow up fast because their family circumstances forced them.  If that’s the case, they obviously missed an important life-cycle:  the joyful stage of childhood. 

When I meet people with bright smiles on their faces, specially at the end of the day, I just know that they’re feeling God’s blessings because they show it!  There was a time when a woman, a complete stranger, flashed me a big smile.  I think smiling was her way of greeting humanity or acknowledging people's presence.  I remember feeling down and stressed at that time and her smile was like the sunshine I needed on a cloudy day.  It instantly lifted my spirit!  That’s why no matter how bad my day is going, I try to put a smile on my face because there’s no telling who might need a momentary cheery boost, too.  Believe it or not, a smile can do wonders for someone having a bad day. 

Despite these tough financial times, smiling doesn’t cost a penny.  Therefore, it shouldn’t become some kind of luxury that is beyond our reach and unaffordable.  So why be stingy with it?  If there’s one universal project that anyone in the world can easily spearhead, it’s the Smiling Face Movement.  

Starting today, let’s help make our world smile-friendly.  Let’s smile because God is in our lives and we feel His love and blessings.  Let’s smile even though our hearts are breaking.  Is that too much to ask?  Even if it is, thank you for trying!